Bodytag is a series of thought experiments or "web programming explorations" by Glen Murphy, a computer scientist. He describes himself this way:
Glen is an English-born Australian (Melbourne) who works as a UI Software Engineer at Google. At night he produces installation software artwork and human-computer interaction 'stuff' for fun. When curators looking for an artist statement threaten him with pokes in the eye, he usually just says that he likes to "computationally connect wonder and reality".
Bodytag is a gallery that displays the work by an artist/scientist. The Bodytag home page is an array of data boxes that resembles the periodic table. Each box links to a demo. Some are interactive such as smoke2 or gravity2 others are just videos - albeit programmatically generated. Every demo has been built with great care and with much consideration to visual appeal and a high graphic design standard. Of particular relevance is that this is a public exhibit or gallery of a series of works created over a number of years and yet presented and accessile from a single web page with its own URL.
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